How to debug an issue by Grafana lab:Mimir, Loki and Tempo

Tin Nguyen
2 min readMar 27, 2023


Metrics to logs, Logs to trace

Grafana agent overview:

How Grafana cloud can help you debug easier.
Metrics to Logs, Logs to Trace

The overview of grafana lab: Mimir, Loki and Tempo

Mimir, Loki and Tempo

How can grafana lab help us to debug an issue:

  1. When you receive an alert from Slack channel or email, you can double click to an alert to access Grafana dashboard where you can see the detail of an issue. Ex: Alert for 4XX status code
This panel show you how many reqs have 4xx status code

Then click on the header of panel ==> click Explore

2. From metrics to logs:
From this panel, click to split icon:

Then click:

  • Select Loki data. source
  • and lick to link icon

After that you can see logs matching with the time when issues happen, like that:

You can click to each log line to check detail

3. From log to trace

You can click to Tempo button to check trace data

Trace data include Full flow of your request,

Hope all of data above help you debug easier.



Tin Nguyen
Tin Nguyen

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